We are leading in water testing

Lab test
Environmental labs

Water testing

We provide specialist water testing, including analysis for PFAS, microplastics and water from construction sites. We also provide wastewater analysis to comply with discharge consent limits set by the Environment Agency.

Microplastics testing

Microplastics are small pieces of plastic that are less than five millimetres long and can be harmful to our ocean and aquatic life. They can be unintentionally formed when larger pieces of plastic get damaged and break. Tiny pieces of polyethylene plastic are also added intentionally to health and beauty products such as toothpastes and cleansers. They then pass unchanged through waterways into the ocean.

Using the NOAA method, we provide microplastics testing to quantify microplastics in marine environmental samples and calculate concentrations using a variety of metrics.

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Accreditations and recognitions

Quality is central to everything we do

Our laboratories are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to the British, European and International Standard for quality assurance in analytical laboratories – BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) provides recognition to international customers that we are accredited to this standard by a recognised accreditation body. All accredited methods are inspected and approved by UKAS and the full standard covers quality assurance and method-specific procedures. Normec DETS also belongs to proficiency testing schemes, including Aquacheck, Contest, AIMS, AISS, RICE and DCC.

  • UKAS schedule of accreditation, Consett

    Normec DETS Limited, a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2139

  • UKAS schedule of accreditation, Lenham

    Normec DETS Limited, a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 4480

Creating a safe and healthy working and living environment?

Normec tests, inspects and certifies so that organisations can innovate safely, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.
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