Complaints procedure

All complaints relating to acts performed by Normec Laboratory can be submitted to the daily management of Normec Laboratory. You can do this by submitting a written complaint.

How can you submit a complaint?

  1. You should address your complaint to Normec Laboratory and email it to or submit it via the complaint form on the website.

  2. If the complaint applies to a specific analysis, please mention the Normec reference number.

  3. The daily management will register and confirm this written complaint and then take it into consideration.

  4. Within six weeks - if possible - settlement of the complaint will take place.

  5. You will be informed of the settlement in writing.

For questions or other comments/remarks, please fill in the contact form.

As described in our general terms and conditions, complaints must be reported within 14 days.


We appreciate you taking the trouble to express your dissatisfaction so that we can improve

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