County Durham and Kent United Kingdom
Normec DETS

Accredited analytical testing services
Normec DETS is a leading company providing high-quality analytical testing services for the environmental, construction, waste management, fuels and engineering industries. Based in Kent and County Durham, our laboratories are accredited to ISO 17025 and MCERTS, ensuring that we meet the highest standards and have the technical expertise required.
We offer a wide range of services including asbestos testing, soil contamination testing, water testing and waste analysis. With our efficient logistics, we pick up samples on the same day with our own drivers and vehicles, ensuring rapid sample processing.
At Normec DETS, our customers receive clear and concise reports, making it easy to understand the results. Our experts specialise in various analyses, from PFAS and microplastics to asbestos identification and quantification.
We are proud of our leading position in providing laboratory services in the UK and Ireland, and we customise our services to meet the specific needs of different industries. With a focus on environmental monitoring, we support our clients in meeting regulatory requirements and improving their sustainability performance. Through our extensive network and expertise, we provide reliable and rapid solutions for all analytical testing needs.
Asbestos testing
Our asbestos testing service has been established for over 15 years, providing an asbestos analysis service to local Government, environmental consultants and landowners.
Building materials testing
We perform testing on all types and ages of concrete and mortars to BS 14551 and BS 1881.
RDF and biomass testing
We offer testing on sustainable energy solutions including RDF (Refuse derived fuel) and biomass.
Environmental forensics
Environmental forensics combines the expertise of environmental chemists with consultants to investigate contamination incidents.
Waste testing
We offer a wide range of testing services for waste to allow our customers to meet the challenges of sustainable waste management.
WAC testing
When waste or material has been classed as hazardous or non-hazardous, it can be assessed using WAC testing.
PFAS testing
Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widely used around the world to make products that resist heat, stains, grease and water.
Persistent organic pollutants testing
We provide analysis of persistent organic pollutants. This group of organic compounds is of increasing concern in the environment due to their persistence, toxicity, and bio accumulative properties (PBTs), with a high potential to significantly affect human health.
Case study
CK Consulting & Geotechnical
CK Consulting and Geotechnical is a geotechnical and environmental consultancy dedicated to providing cost effective and timely solutions to the construction industry. Their team of experienced and chartered geotechnical engineers and environmental scientists help with ground investigation requirements and offer expert advice.
CK Consulting and Geotechnical was recently commissioned to oversee and verify the land remediation and earthworks at the former Tonbridge Gasworks in Cannons Wharf, Tonbridge, Kent. The site, once used as a gasworks during the 19th and early 20th centuries, had become heavily contaminated, requiring significant remediation before redevelopment.

Job vacancies
Working at Normec DETS
Normec DETS is part of Normec, an ambitious, independent and fast-growing organisation in the testing, inspection, certification and compliance (TICC) industry. We ensure the quality and safety of our customers’ materials through the analyses we provide, but above all through our experienced people.
View all vacancies of Normec DETS
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Our team
Skilled, attentive and ambitious
Kirk Bridgewood
Managing Director
Daniela Miguel
Sales Director
Kevin Old
Operations Manager
Ken Scally
Technical & Quality Director
Belinda Harrison
Finance Director
Bobby Sharp
HR Director
Available for all your questions
View our customer portal here:
Accreditations and recognitions
Quality is central to everything we do
Our laboratories are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to the British, European and International Standard for quality assurance in analytical laboratories – BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) provides recognition to international customers that we are accredited to this standard by a recognised accreditation body. All accredited methods are inspected and approved by UKAS and the full standard covers quality assurance and method-specific procedures. Normec DETS also belongs to proficiency testing schemes, including Aquacheck, Contest, AIMS, AISS, RICE and DCC.
UKAS schedule of accreditation, Consett
Normec DETS Limited, a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2139
UKAS schedule of accreditation, Lenham
Normec DETS Limited, a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 4480
Case study
Solmek is a leading ground investigation contractor in the UK, specialising in providing comprehensive services for domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors. Normec DETS recently provided environmental testing for Solmek on a former reservoir site identified for large-scale industrial development. The site required thorough ground investigation and contamination profiling before being safely infilled for future use.

Answers to your questions
Can I manage my sample data online?
Yes. Our desktop and mobile app, Samplefy™ allows you to manage your sample data online. The app links up to our customer portal, providing an end-to-end experience from sample collection to results and certificates.
Is there a specific bottle that’s used for water samples when testing for PFAS?
Yes. When testing for PFAS in water, bottles are specifically prepared for interference free environmental water sample collection. They are made of High-density polyethylene (HDPE) with unlined polypropylene (PP) caps to reduce sources of contamination, and are tested to confirm absence of PFAS compounds.
What are deviating samples?
Deviating samples can be defined as those which are not (correctly) cared for, for example they may have exceeded their maximum holding time, have not been retained at appropriate temperature, are presented in inappropriate containers/packaging, have inappropriate headspace, be denatured through heat, light or humidity, have deteriorated chemically or microbiologically, have become cross contaminated, been damaged in transit, have been supplied in insufficient quantity (or with incorrect dimensions) and so on. Such deviating samples may jeopardise the validity of the reported test or calibration result.
What format can I receive my report in?
Reports are sent out by Excel and PDF as standard. We can also supply reports in AGS, HWOL (Haz Waste Online), ESdat and CSV if requested.
Is Normec DETS accredited?
Our laboratories are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to the British, European and International Standard for quality assurance in analytical laboratories – BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Many of the tests we provide are also accredited by UKAS. View the UKAS schedules.
What are the turnaround times for analysis?
Testing duration depends on the specific type of test requested. Our routine analysis can be delivered within 5 working days.
Which containers do I use for samples?
The use of correct sampling containers is crucial for preserving the integrity of the samples and complying with UKAS requirements regarding deviating (or non-conforming samples). Contact your account manager for more information and to order the correct container for your sample.