20 Dec 2022
Normec builds water system for clean drinking water in Cameroon
Safe (drinking) water: we are working on it every day at Normec. For our customers, but also for those for whom clean water is anything but self-evident. Together with NGO Wilde Ganzen, we started a project in central Africa, where we want to provide over 20,000 inhabitants with clean (drinking) water and sanitation.
This project took place in the Buea Town area, where most residents faced water shortages. Here, the supply from the 30-year-old water system was insufficient to provide water to all residents. In some communities, there was no access to water at all. There were many negative health and economic impacts in the communities due to lack of access to clean drinking water.
Therefore, the goal was to start building an adequate water system so that the people of Buea Town have access to clean drinking water, water-related diseases are reduced, less time is needed to fetch water, and general hygiene and sanitation in the community is improved. The full project will take several years to complete, but the first phase has been successfully completed.
Phase 1
As part of the project, the following activities took place:
A feasibility study was done.
10 community meetings and 3 general meetings were held.
A census of households has taken place.
The water committee has been set up, with rules and procedures developed, and the committee has had training.
A new water tank in Vassingi-Moli has been built and repair of two existing water tanks realized.
The water supply system has been renovated and partly newly constructed.
Several taps have been installed and taps repaired.
This was the first phase of the project and eventually 10 communities with over 20,000 inhabitants will be provided with clean (drinking) water. Access to hygiene is a very important aspect of health.
Normec's contribution
Normec commits to this collaboration with a budget of €50,000. In addition, project hours will be reserved for employees who want to help on site with the construction of the water facilities. We are proud to contribute to this beautiful project and the first results we have achieved.
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