Architecture Construction Safety First Career Concept

19 Feb 2024

Normec scores silver for ESG efforts

Normec recently received great news from sustainability platform EcoVadis, the independent and internationally recognised agency that assesses sustainability performance of companies worldwide. For the second year in a row, EcoVadis rewarded our ESG efforts last year with a silver rating! Compared to last year, we showed an improvement in our score and we ended up with 66 points. This puts us among the top 13% companies rated by EcoVadis over 2023.

Our services in the TICC sector have much in common with the ESG and CSR criteria on which EcoVadis assesses companies. Yet there is a lot involved in making our operations more integrally sustainable as well. The fact that EcoVadis has once again rewarded our efforts with silver makes us proud.

This assessment does not only confirm that we are on the right track, it is also a motivation to work even harder on our sustainable ambitions. After all, our employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders deserve an employer and partner who is sincerely and constructively committed to people and planet.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this great result! Curious about what we did last year in the field of ESG and CSR? You can read all about it in our ESG annual report.

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