
Privacy statement

Effective date of this Privacy statement: January 2024

With this Privacy statement, Normec Group (Normec) informs you about why we need your personal information, how we process it and protect it and how you can exercise your privacy rights. We treat your personal data with great care and make sure we always act in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Normec conducts independent tests and inspections based on accredited methods. We value the interest you have shown in our company, our products, and services by visiting our websites, including or related communication channels such as our social media, channels and blogs. Normec maintains these channels exclusively for the provision of information to and communication with business customers and prospects.

This general statement covers all personal data that Normec could collect during your interactions with Normec, such as when you visit our websites, contact us, and so on. However, we will always present a specific Privacy Notice in case we need personal information from you. The Privacy Notice states, among other things, exactly what information we request from you, for which purpose we need it, how we protect it, how long we keep it, with whom we share it and what your rights are, including the rights to access this data, correct and supplement it and to have it removed.

Why do we need your personal data?

We may ask you to share your personal data with us for the following purposes:

  • Send you information about Normec products and services

  • Answer your questions

  • Share Normec channels, sites and blogs in social media

  • Maintain the relationship with you as a customer

  • Deliver and improve our services

  • Improve our websites and social media channels

We will not process your personal data for other purposes.

Which personal data do we collect?

While interacting with Normec we may ask for certain information, such as:

  • Your name

  • Your email address

  • Your job function

  • Your business phone number

  • Data necessary in the context of the business relationship

In addition, we can collect data about your internet address, systems and activities such as: 

  • Your cookie ID

  • The type of web browser you use

  • The web pages you visit on our websites

How do we collect your personal information?

Normec can collect data in two different manners: one in which you are active and one in which you are passive. You can actively share your personal data with Normec in multiple ways, such as:

  • Fill in and submit the Contact form on our website

  • Communication with Normec, for example via e-mail or telephone with one of our employees

When your internet browser is configured to accept cookies, you can actively share with us certain personal information, such as your IP address. We then collect this data without you having to take action. More about this in our Cookie Statement.

With whom do we share your personal data?

Your information will not be combined, leased, rented or sold by us, nor will it be shared or disclosed to third parties in any other way. Normec will only disclose personal data on your request or if it is legally required. Whenever Normec uses processors these are contractually bound to confidentiality.

What are your privacy rights?

After you have shared your personal data with us, they remain your property. In the Privacy Notice we inform you about your precise rights; you always have the right to have access to your data so that you can have them updated and changed. In most cases you can also have your data deleted, request us to limit the processing or object to the processing. When we asked for your consent to collect personal data, and you have given it to us, you can always withdraw it later. You can exercise your rights simply by sending an email to

How long do we keep your personal data?

We do not retain the data you share with us longer than strictly necessary. How long that is depends on the purpose for which we need the data. Whenever we process personal data, we will state the purpose and the storage period in the Privacy Notice.

How we protect your personal information

We acknowledge our responsibility for the protection of the personal data that you entrust to us against loss, misuse and unauthorized access. Normec uses various security technologies and organizational procedures for the protection of your personal data. Our servers, laptops and workstations are secured, we keep records in locked cabinets and our staff is trained in handling personal data.

Changes to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to amend or supplement this privacy statement from time to time and will post any revised versions on our website. We will then place a prominent notice on our home page and indicate when the statement was last updated.

Where and how can you file a complaint?

If you have any questions about Normec’s privacy policy, you can contact us at the e-mail address below. If you are dissatisfied in any way about how we handle your personal data, we hope that you will let us know. We consider all feedback a mean to learn and are keen to turn any negative experience you may have into a positive one!

Our contact person Privacy can be reached via email:

Finally, you can always submit a complaint with the relevant Data Protection Authority. To do this, you must fill in a form on their website.

Download this Privacy statement (PDF)